Rabu, 03 April 2013

Verbal Sentences dan Nominal Sentences

The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the present tense and the perfect aspect, used to express a past event that has present consequences.



(+) He has gone.
(-) He has not gone.
(?) Has he gone?

(+) Sasha has just returned from school
(-) Sasha has not just returned from school
(?) Has Sasha just returned from school?

(+) He has awoked since morning.
(-) He hasn’t awoked since morning.
(?) Has he awoked since morning? 

(+) Dhika has seen the movie.
(-) Dhika has not seen the movie.
(?) Has Dhika seen the movie?

(+) I have paid this shoe.
(-) I haven’t paid this shoe.
(?) Have I paid this shoe?

(+) Fajar  has lived in Jakarta for 2 years.
(-) Fajar  has not lived in Jakarta for 2 years.
(?) Has Fajar lived in Jakarta for 2 years? 

(+) The fishermen had gone home.
(-) The fishermen hadn’t gone home.
(?) Had the fishermen gone home?

(+) Faisal has watched TV since 1 hours ago.
(-) Faisal has not watched TV since 1 hours ago.
(?) Has Faisal watched TV since 1 hours ago?

(+) Kamal has playing futsal twice a week
(-) Kamal has not playing futsal twice a week
(?) Has Kamal playing futsal twice a week?

(+) Dimas has read the letter
(-) Dimas has not read the letter
(?) Has Dimas read the letter?


(+) Yopi has been an accounting.
(-) Yopi hasn’t been an accounting.
(?) Has been Yopi an accounting?

(+) Irfan has you ever been to Bali.
(-) Irfan has not ever been to Bali.
(?) Has Irfan ever been to Bali?

(+) My father has never ever been angry.
(-) My father hasn’t never ever been angry.
(?) Has my father never ever been angry? 

(+) Oky has been a chef.
(-) Oky hasn’t been a chef.
(?) Has been Oky a chef? 

(+) Agus has been a Master of Computer.
(-) Agus hasn’t been a Master of Computer.
(?) Has been Agus a Master of Computer? 

(+) The thief has been caught by the policeman.
(-) The thief has not been caught by the policeman.
(?) Has the thief been caught by the policeman?

(+) My Friend have been living in Depok for 10 years
(-) My friend have not been living in Depok for 10 years
(?) Have My friend been living in Depok for 10 years?

(+) Alex has been traveling to England
(-) Alex has not been traveling to England
(?) Has Alex been traveling to England?

(+) The sky have been rain.
(-) The sky haven’t been rain.
(?) Have been the sky rain?

(+) We have been here for 45 minutes.
(-) We have not been here for 45 minutes.
(?) Have you been here for 45 minutes?
Kiki Herdiyawan

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